This whole body deep muscle massage with oil is a very relaxing technique. It tones the muscles. Uzhichil regulates the flow of energy within the body and improves circulation. Abhyangam is the type of oil massage in which strokes are given according to the diseases for specific period of time every day for 14-21 days.
Abhyanga Snana is part of the purvakarma or preparatory measure of Panchakarma treatment in Ayurveda. It is an ancient oleation therapy, given by two therapists, who work in tandem, synchronizing their strokes and massage according to the circulatory and marma points for a stipulated time . Detoxifying oils are chosen according to one's illness. Usually this is done in seven standard positions. It is one of the most rejuvenating treatments of Ayurveda, especially in the Kerala tradition.
This is a form of treatment for various age related and other common disorders. Some of the advantages are pain relief, improved circulation, stress relief, better sleep, flexibility, athletic performance and emotional benefits. Massage therapy can soothe pain, relax stiff muscles, and reduce the swelling that accompanies arthritis. With Ayurvedic massage, deep-seated toxins in the joints and tissues are loosened and released into the system for elimination through natural toxin-release processes. The main benefits include better blood circulation, rejuvenation, toning of skin, delays ageing, sound sleep, reduces stress and removes toxins.
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Palakkad, Kerala - 678005
Telephone: +91-491-2577791 / +91-491-2577971
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