Navara kizhi involves massaging of the body with small linen bags filled with Navara (Shastika), after a liberal application of medicated oils. Depending on the kind of disease, this massage is preceded or followed by Pizhichil.
Navara kizhi is also of great benefit to those with atrophy of the muscles, arthritis, weakness of the extremities, tremors and fibromyalgia. Healthy individuals will benefit from this treatment’s anti-aging effects and its ability to prevent disease. This therapy strengthens the body, rejuvenates the tissues, improves the muscle tone and blood supply, nourishes the body, tunes up the nervous system, increases immunity, and promotes overall good health for a happy living.
Dhanwantari Nagar, CN Puram (PO)
Palakkad, Kerala - 678005
Telephone: +91-491-2577791 / +91-491-2577971
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